Tiny Treasures ChildCare


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Illness Policy

MEDICAL FORMS: Each child must have a Medical Authorization Form on file. Documentation of all necessary immunizations must also be on file.

SICK CHILD GUIDELINES: Health practices at my daycare are designed to minimize illness. They include many specific procedures regarding sanitation, hand washing, exclusion of sick children, etc. The Tiny Treasures Family Childcare is a well-child daycare home!

Children do become ill, often at unpredictable and inconvenient times. working parents often feel stressed when children are ill. But, as we work together, we can minimize illnesses and stress levels. While none of us like to think about children becoming ill, now is the time to make arrangements for sick child care knowing that sickness will develop until your child's immunity is built up. Information about a child's health or medical condition will be kept confidential.

If symptoms of illness are present at home, you should not bring your child to my daycare. If symptoms develop after you leave your child in my care, I will use my best judgement in determining whether or not to continue care for the child. Any child who is suspected of being ill or becomes ill shall be immediately isolated from the group and shall be removed from my daycare within one hour. In the event that you cannot pick up your child in this time frame, I will call the names listed on the Enrollment Sheet of persons who have agreed to assume this responsibility for you.

EXCLUSION GUIDELINES: Mildly ill children who can participate normally in the activities of my daycare don't need to be routinely excluded. This could include children with colds, mild ear infections or teething.

In order to prevent the spread of disease, children may be excluded from care until the symptom or condition listed below is resolved or until evaluation by a physician determines that the child can return to my daycare. I will require a written, signed and dated note from your child's physician if it is questionable for your child to be in the daycare home. The conditions may be:

Fever of 100 degrees or higher with a change in behavior (irritable, restless or listless) and/or symptoms of an illness

Loose stools with two or more episodes.

Vomiting with two or more episodes in previous 24 hours.

Conjunctivitis or pink eye with discharge.

Undiagnosed rash.

Evidence of severe illness such as lethargy, unusual sleepiness, prolonged crying, obvious discomfort, difficulty breathing, uncontrollable coughing or wheezing.

Yellow or green discharge from the nose for more than three days.

A specific contagious infection such as whooping cough, strep throat, head lice, scabies, chickenpox, impetigo, mumps, measles, ringworm, etc.

MEDICAL FORMS: Each child must have a Medical Authorization Form on file. Documentation of all necessary immunizations must also be on file.

SICK CHILD GUIDELINES: Health practices at my daycare are designed to minimize illness. They include many specific procedures regarding sanitation, hand washing, exclusion of sick children, etc. The Tiny Treasures Family Childcare is a well-child daycare home!

Children do become ill, often at unpredictable and inconvenient times. working parents often feel stressed when children are ill. But, as we work together, we can minimize illnesses and stress levels. While none of us like to think about children becoming ill, now is the time to make arrangements for sick child care knowing that sickness will develop until your child's immunity is built up. Information about a child's health or medical condition will be kept confidential.

If symptoms of illness are present at home, you should not bring your child to my daycare. If symptoms develop after you leave your child in my care, I will use my best judgement in determining whether or not to continue care for the child. Any child who is suspected of being ill or becomes ill shall be immediately isolated from the group and shall be removed from my daycare within one hour. In the event that you cannot pick up your child in this time frame, I will call the names listed on the Enrollment Sheet of persons who have agreed to assume this responsibility for you.

EXCLUSION GUIDELINES: Mildly ill children who can participate normally in the activities of my daycare don't need to be routinely excluded. This could include children with colds, mild ear infections or teething.

In order to prevent the spread of disease, children may be excluded from care until the symptom or condition listed below is resolved or until evaluation by a physician determines that the child can return to my daycare. I will require a written, signed and dated note from your child's physician if it is questionable for your child to be in the daycare home. The conditions may be:

Fever of 100 degrees or higher with a change in behavior (irritable, restless or listless) and/or symptoms of an illness

Loose stools with two or more episodes.

Vomiting with two or more episodes in previous 24 hours.

Conjunctivitis or pink eye with discharge.

Undiagnosed rash.

Evidence of severe illness such as lethargy, unusual sleepiness, prolonged crying, obvious discomfort, difficulty breathing, uncontrollable coughing or wheezing.

Yellow or green discharge from the nose for more than three days.

A specific contagious infection such as whooping cough, strep throat, head lice, scabies, chickenpox, impetigo, mumps, measles, ringworm, etc.

Many illnesses require exclusion for AT LEAST 24 hours after treatment has begun unless a physician authorizes an earlier return. Others may require a longer time of exclusion. I reserve the right to refuse care for a child who I feel will put others at risk of illness.
Please notify me when your child is ill so I can be alert to similar symptoms in other children. I will notify you of illnesses that may be present as well.

If your child becomes acutely ill and requires immediately attention, I will call for paramedia help. Your signature on the Medical Authorization Form gives the hospital premission to care for your child. You will be notified as the paramedics take over care of your child unless it is safe to do so sooner.

MEDICATION: Whenever possible, medication should be administered by the parents. When this is not possible, I will give medicine according to the following guidelines:

*The medicine is for a particular occurrence of illness. A prescription filled for a previous similar illness will not be administered if it is not current.

*Prescription medication must be in the original container, bearing the prescription number, name of the medication, the date the prescription was filled, the physician's name, the child's name and the directions for administration. I will not administer medication after the expiration date.

*Non-prescriptive medication must be labeled with the child's name. It must be brought in the original container. I will administer the medication according to the label directions uniless otherwise directed by a physician.

I would like to say thanks to Julie at Apple Orchard Family ChildCare for the information on this page.